Coming "Home" to Maine... we are again. I guess I have to figure out where I am before I even start writing, but not knowing hasn't stopped me before....
New England, SJC 30, and the Book Tour Rolls On...
Well, here we are again...Ellis Paul's "Welcome Home to Maine" is in my head...the Aroostook County native owned a home right near where...
The Great Northeastern Book Tour, "Live from the Cafe," and Other Musings...
Well, here we are again...fooling around with colors, fonts and other inane things as I sit here, trying to stay awake, and also working...
Right Around the Corner...Book Release, Return to Rocky Horror, the Flu...and Other Fun Things...
Well, how is that for a beginning? Yes, the good news first. We are just one weekend away from the official release of "A Moment in the...