Coming "Home" to Maine... we are again. I guess I have to figure out where I am before I even start writing, but not knowing hasn't stopped me before....
The Brown Posey Press Show, w/Dennis Clausen
Let us try this way...from the typewriters, keyboards, pen and paper, comes the latest of a series of shows I've hosted for my publisher,...
The Howls of Banshees, my Return to Talk Radio, and the Search for Roy Buchanan
Yes, so I like the Chelsea Market sue me. The past few months have shown intense activity on far too many fronts. Let's just...
Interviewing Others, Being Interviewed, and Shameless Promotion
So yeah, I guess you can see there's going to be a bunch of me discussing, flogging and considering lots of random things in this blog. I...
"The Autumn Wind, Anxiety, Madness, Writing, and Sweet Dreams..."
Let us begin with a bit of a poem...for as my old "Chick from South Africa" friend Sam used to say, for she liked poems... "The Autumn...
The Sweet Dreams Series is coming in 2018...and other mad musings...
So here we are again, nearing the end of September, and a lot has occurred in the world since then. I'm probably going to "meander," as...