Searching for Roy B., and a Sense of Sanity...
Well, it's time for another look at all that's transpired in the past several weeks, or is it months? I assume you've noticed I don't...
The Brown Posey Press Show, w/Dennis Clausen
Let us try this way...from the typewriters, keyboards, pen and paper, comes the latest of a series of shows I've hosted for my publisher,...
The Howls of Banshees, my Return to Talk Radio, and the Search for Roy Buchanan
Yes, so I like the Chelsea Market sue me. The past few months have shown intense activity on far too many fronts. Let's just...
Where Have I Been?
Okay, it has been a old friend Lisa Risley often refers to blog readers as "blurkers," at least I think that's what she calls...
Radio Waves, Lost Souls, Shadows from the Past, and some guy's Mist Tunnel...
This is something that has been working on me for the past few months, and I have not been able to put it into proper form. Hell, this is...
2016, New Site, New Blog, New Beginning
Well, hello there...welcome to my new blogspace, here on my new website. Please bear with me as I open my 2016 blog attack with...