Write-Up in Blues & Co. Magazine, and the Opening of Doors...
Well, alright... ...let’s crack into this interesting series of events, shall we? We are at a time where I am getting events set up, and...
Searching for Roy B., and a Sense of Sanity...
Well, it's time for another look at all that's transpired in the past several weeks, or is it months? I assume you've noticed I don't...
The Search, and a New Series, Begins...
It has begun...oh, yes it has. Well, in case you haven’t been around for a couple of days... ...wait for it... TA-DAHHH! I found out that...
Coming "Home" to Maine...
Well...here we are again. I guess I have to figure out where I am before I even start writing, but not knowing hasn't stopped me before....
Interviewing Others, Being Interviewed, and Shameless Promotion
So yeah, I guess you can see there's going to be a bunch of me discussing, flogging and considering lots of random things in this blog. I...
"The Autumn Wind, Anxiety, Madness, Writing, and Sweet Dreams..."
Let us begin with a bit of a poem...for as my old "Chick from South Africa" friend Sam used to say, for she liked poems... "The Autumn...
The Sweet Dreams Series is coming in 2018...and other mad musings...
So here we are again, nearing the end of September, and a lot has occurred in the world since then. I'm probably going to "meander," as...
"Tell the Devil...I'm Gettin' There As Fast As I Can," Books, and Random Psychosis
Excuse the large print, but my eyes are getting progressively worse, and experimenting with another font makes me want to see it in...
The Great Northeastern Book Tour, "Live from the Cafe," and Other Musings...
Well, here we are again...fooling around with colors, fonts and other inane things as I sit here, trying to stay awake, and also working...
"Live from the Cafe," unveiled...Among the Things
Well, here we are; cue 2001: A Space Odyssey theme! Pretty colorful, eh? Once again, great work by Mitch Bentley of Atomic Fly Studios,...