The Search, and a New Series, Begins...
It has begun...oh, yes it has. Well, in case you haven’t been around for a couple of days... ...wait for it... TA-DAHHH! I found out that...
"Is there no way out of my mind?"
I have borrowed the line from Sylvia Plath, as I’d been reading her diaries again in recent months. I was looking for something within...
"Live from the Cafe" -- Final Cut, and Things
Well, it's been a while now hasn't it? So this is where we are... As I write, I've embarked on a final edit of "Live from the Cafe," and...
The Other Roads Club, Reconsidered
Well, here's a look at an old manuscript...I began writing "The Other Roads Club" trilogy back in 2008 or '09...after a number of years...